Read. Write. Thrive.

With one in five Nashvillians facing low literacy, every learner who joins NALC’s programs gains the skills to actively participate in and contribute to a strong, unified Nashville community.

Read. Write. Thrive.  image


raised towards $50,000 goal



Days Left


With one in five Nashvillians facing low literacy, every learner who joins NALC’s programs gains the skills to actively participate in and contribute to a strong, unified Nashville community.

Read. Write. Thrive. – Building a stronger Nashville, one learner at a time.

You and I share a common vision for Nashville—a city where all our neighbors have the opportunity to thrive. Over the past five years, the demand for our adult literacy services has continued to grow. Last year, I reached out because our waitlist had over 600 learners. This year, that number has grown to almost 800. More people are learning about our work, needing our services, and recommending us to their friends and family.

These everyday achievements are transformative, and we’re aiming to raise $60,000 by December 31st to unlock new possibilities for learners and their families. With your gift to NALC, you nurture not only individual growth but the strength of our entire community.

Your support will allow us to strengthen:
  • Our Adult Basic Education (ABE) program supports Nashville adults who read or comprehend at less than an eighth-grade proficiency level. Through free, one-on-one tutoring, we help learners improve their reading and writing skills, with 100+ hours of participation leading to a 53% mean income gain.
  • Our English Language Learner (ELL) program supports adult immigrants with limited English skills, helping them find employment, childcare, and personal growth opportunities. Learners set personal goals, and we tailor our services to meet their specific needs.

Our year-end campaign, Read. Write. Thrive., is more than just words—it represents the real and powerful impact literacy has on people’s lives. Learners like Reiko, who was finally able to communicate with her child’s doctor when she had the flu. Or Tracey, pictured above, who came to NALC in 2014 for help getting his high school certification. It was not always an easy journey, but Tracey was a model of determination. When Tracey passed his final HiSet exam in June, all of the volunteer tutors who walked alongside him on his journey gathered to celebrate.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.